Casually Transcendental (English)


Manny Aubreyson


Alan groaned as the alarm clock pierced the silence of his small, cluttered bedroom. With a heavy sigh, he pushed himself out of bed, his lanky frame feeling weak and tired. It was another Monday morning, and the weight of monotony settled upon him like an unwelcome visitor. As he rubbed his eyes, Alan couldn't help but feel a sense of dissatisfaction with his life.

Dragging himself to the bathroom, Alan stared at his reflection in the mirror. His messy brown hair stuck out in all directions, and his tired hazel eyes carried a hint of sadness. He tugged on a worn-out hoodie and a pair of baggy jeans, his go-to disguise to hide his thinness. He didn't want anyone to notice or comment on his appearance.

Alan trudged through his morning routine, devoid of any enthusiasm. Finally, he left his apartment, stepping into the bustling city streets. The sound of car horns, chattering pedestrians, and distant sirens filled the air, creating a symphony of urban chaos that matched Alan's inner turmoil.

Arriving at the coffee shop where he worked as a barista, Alan forced a smile onto his face, attempting to hide his internal struggles. He prepared espresso shots, steamed milk, and crafted intricate latte art for the stream of customers. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped him, providing a temporary reprieve from his own thoughts.

Throughout the day, Alan mechanically repeated the same actions, lost in the mundane routine. He served regular customers their usual orders, exchanged brief pleasantries, and occasionally tried to engage in small talk. However, his mind often drifted elsewhere, searching for something more meaningful.

During his lunch break, Alan met up with his best friend, Mark, at a nearby park. Mark, a brilliant physicist with an unruly mop of curly hair, always had an air of excitement around him. Today was no different. As they settled on a bench under the shade of a tree, Mark eagerly pulled out a notebook filled with calculations and diagrams.

"Alan, you won't believe what I've been working on," Mark said, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Alan glanced at the notebook, half-interested. "What's the big project this time, Mark?"

Mark leaned forward, his voice filled with excitement. "I've been conducting experiments on temporal anomalies. I believe I'm onto something extraordinary. I've been noticing peculiar patterns and messages hidden within the data. It's like the fabric of time is trying to communicate with me!"

Alan raised an eyebrow, trying to summon a semblance of interest. "That sounds... intriguing, Mark. But you know I've never been much of a science guy. I'm more concerned with making it through each day, you know?"

Mark's enthusiasm faltered for a moment, but he quickly masked it with a reassuring smile. "I understand, Alan. You have your own struggles, and that's okay. Just thought you might find it fascinating, that's all."

They finished their lunch in comfortable silence, the noise of the park drowning out their thoughts. As Alan bid farewell to Mark and headed back to work, his mind wandered, contemplating the direction his life had taken. He yearned for something beyond the routine, something that would ignite a spark within him.

With the day drawing to a close, Alan wearily shut the door of his apartment behind him. The solitude of his home enveloped him, and the weight of his unfulfilled dreams settled upon his shoulders once again. It seemed as if nothing special ever happened in his life, and the prospect of another day dawning brought a mixture of resignation and longing.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Alan slumped onto his worn-out couch, feeling the heaviness of his existence. He yearned for a change, for something to break the monotony that seemed to follow him like a shadow. Deep down, he held a flickering hope that one day, something extraordinary would happen, a catalyst to shake him out of his stagnant routine. He reached for the pack of cigarettes on the coffee table, lit one up and exhaled a cloud of smoke, a brief respite from the relentless cycle of his days.


The piercing sound of the alarm clock jolted Alan awake, the familiar monotony of another day seeping into his bones. He dragged himself out of bed, feeling the weight of weariness clinging to his every movement. As he went through his morning routine, Alan couldn't shake off the dull ache of dissatisfaction that seemed to accompany him like a shadow. 

Arriving at the coffee shop where he worked, Alan pushed open the door, greeted by the familiar scent of roasted beans and the low murmur of customers. He took his place behind the counter, donning his obligatory smile that concealed the emptiness within. 

The minutes turned into hours as Alan mechanically prepared coffee after coffee, his mind drifting aimlessly. Customers came and went, their faces blending into a blur of fleeting encounters. Until, suddenly, someone new caught his attention. 

A woman with vibrant blue-dyed hair walked into the coffee shop, her energy and charisma cutting through the mundane atmosphere like a burst of color in a grayscale world. Alan couldn't help but steal a glance, momentarily intrigued by her presence. However, he quickly averted his gaze, assuming she had come for a caffeine fix like everyone else. 

To his surprise, the woman approached the counter, a friendly smile lighting up her face. "Hi there! What's your favorite drink to make?" she asked, her voice warm and genuine. 

Alan blinked, caught off guard by the question. He had never really given it much thought. "Uh... I'm not sure. I guess I enjoy making latte art," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. 

The woman's eyes lit up with excitement. "Perfect! Can I have a latte with a smiley face on it, please?" she requested, her enthusiasm infectious. 

Alan hesitated for a moment, then nodded and got to work. As he poured the milk, carefully crafting the delicate details of the smiley face, a sense of focus and concentration filled his usually detached mind. For that brief moment, the act of creating something brought a spark of joy into his monotonous routine. 

Finally, with the smiley face art completed, Alan reached for a cup and looked up at the woman. "May I have your name for the cup?" he asked, his voice almost a whisper. 

The woman paused for a moment, her eyes studying him intently. "It's Emily," she said, her voice gentle yet enigmatic. 

Alan's heart skipped a beat. Emily. The name echoed in his mind, resonating with a familiar warmth. "I... uh... I've always loved that name," he stammered, his cheeks flushing. He felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him, realizing that he had spoken aloud.

Emily's smile widened, a hint of understanding in her eyes. "Thank you, Alan," she said, her voice laced with a touch of fondness. 

Alan's mind was momentarily puzzled, wondering how Emily knew his name. Then, his eyes shifted down to his chest, where he noticed the small rectangular name tag pinned to his apron. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he realized his forgetfulness. 

As the day progressed, Alan's encounter with Emily slipped from his mind like a fleeting dream. The demands of his job and the familiar rhythm of serving customers consumed his thoughts, leaving little room for anything else. The latte art he had created for Emily became just another distant memory, fading into the background of countless cups he had crafted.


But over the course of the following weeks, Emily became a regular visitor to the coffee shop, always seeking out Alan for a friendly chat. Each day, she would approach the counter with a warm smile and an eagerness to engage in conversation. Gradually, Alan found himself looking forward to her visits, appreciating the genuine connection she brought into his life.


As their interactions continued, Emily's requests for latte art became more complex. She would challenge Alan's creativity with intricate designs, from delicate flowers to elaborate patterns. Alan took pleasure in the challenge, pouring his artistic soul into each cup. Through their shared passion for latte art, they found a way to connect on a deeper level. 

One sunny afternoon, as Alan was preparing Emily's latte, she leaned against the counter and looked at him with a twinkle in her eye. "Hey, Alan, do you mind if I wait until your shift is over? We could hang out and enjoy the rest of the day together," she proposed. 

Alan's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected invitation. The thought of spending more time with Emily, getting to know her beyond their brief encounters in the café, excited him. A genuine smile spread across his face as he replied, "Sure, I'd like that." 

Once Alan's shift finally ended, they stepped out of the coffee shop together, embarking on a leisurely walk through a nearby park. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, and the soft chirping of birds filled the air, creating a tranquil atmosphere for their conversation.

As they strolled along the winding paths of the park, Alan and Emily fell into an easy rhythm of conversation. The weight of formality and the constraints of the coffee shop were lifted, allowing them to delve into more profound topics.

Emily looked around, her hazel eyes shining with appreciation for the natural beauty surrounding them. "I love spending time in parks like this," she mused. "It's where I find inspiration for my artwork."

Curiosity sparked within Alan as he listened intently. "You're an artist? That's amazing. What kind of art do you create?"

Emily's face lit up with excitement as she began to describe her passion. "I'm a mixed-media artist. I love experimenting with different materials and techniques. I create collages, paintings, and sculptures that explore themes of identity and self-expression. Art has always been my way of finding meaning and understanding the world around me."

Alan's interest grew, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Emily's creative spirit. "That sounds incredible. I've always been drawn to art but never had the courage to pursue it seriously."

Emily turned to him, her eyes filled with encouragement. "You should, Alan. It's never too late to pursue your passion. There's something truly liberating about expressing yourself through art, whether it's painting, drawing, or any other medium. It's a journey of self-discovery and a way to unleash your inner thoughts and emotions."

A flicker of longing crossed Alan's eyes. "I have some unfinished works at home, actually. They've been collecting dust for a while now."

Emily nodded, her expression gentle and understanding. "Maybe it's time to dust them off and let them see the light of day. Your art deserves to be shared and appreciated. I'd love to see them someday."

A mix of nervousness and excitement welled up within Alan as he contemplated the idea of revealing his artwork to someone who understood its significance. "I'd be honored to show them to you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow over the park, they realized it was time to part ways. They walked back towards the exit, their conversation filled with a newfound closeness.

Emily's voice carried a tinge of bittersweetness. "Thank you for today, Alan. I've genuinely enjoyed our time together."

Alan smiled, feeling a genuine sense of connection that he had longed for. "The pleasure is all mine, Emily. It's refreshing to have someone to talk to and share thoughts with."

With a final farewell, they went their separate ways, but the promise of deeper connections and artistic exchanges lingered in the air. As Alan made his way home, his heart felt lighter, infused with newfound inspiration and the anticipation of revealing his art to someone who genuinely cared.


As the weeks went by, Alan found himself spending more and more time with Emily. Their meetings became a regular occurrence, with Emily taking the lead in planning activities that pushed Alan out of his comfort zone.

One sunny afternoon, Emily suggested a shopping trip, determined to help Alan find a more fitting and flattering outfit. Alan was hesitant at first, uncomfortable with the idea of trying on new clothes and stepping outside of his usual style. But Emily's infectious enthusiasm and gentle encouragement persuaded him to give it a try.

They ventured into trendy boutiques, with Emily guiding Alan through racks of clothes, suggesting pieces that would highlight his features. Alan reluctantly tried on various outfits, feeling a mix of self-consciousness and curiosity. As he stood in front of the mirror, clad in a well-fitted shirt and jeans that showcased his physique, a flicker of confidence ignited within him.

Emily beamed with satisfaction. "You look incredible, Alan. The right clothes can make a world of difference."

A sense of newfound self-assurance swelled within Alan, and he found himself grateful for Emily's insistence.

Their next outing took them to a nail salon, where Emily convinced Alan to try a manicure. As the nail technician expertly painted his nails with a deep blue shade, Alan marveled at the small act of self-care. It was a reminder that he deserved moments of pampering and attention, just like anyone else.

Over time, Emily continued to expose Alan to new experiences. One evening, she handed him a joint, introducing him to weed. As they sat on a park bench, passing the joint between them, a sense of relaxation and openness washed over Alan. In that moment, he let go of his inhibitions, enjoying the laughter and the newfound ease that came with the shared experience.

Amidst their conversation and laughter, Alan reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He offered one to Emily, assuming she was a smoker too. Emily chuckled, shaking her head. "I used to smoke, but not anymore. Quitting was one of the best decisions I've made for my health."

Alan's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I had no idea."

Emily smiled softly. "We all have our pasts, Alan. It's what makes us who we are. I'm glad I was able to make positive changes."

Curiosity sparked within Alan, emboldened by the openness of their conversation. "Speaking of pasts, there's something I haven't really shared with anyone," he began, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I used to struggle with anorexia. It was like having a toxic relationship with myself. I called her Ana. But I've worked hard to recover and treat it like an ex that I've moved on from."

Emily's gaze held understanding and compassion. She gently rolled up her sleeves, revealing the scars on her wrists. "I haven't always been like this either," she confided. "These scars are a reminder of my own battles. It took a lot of help from professional therapists to get to where I am today, but not everyone can afford that. So, I've learned coping mechanisms and self-care practices that have made a difference in my life. I'm more than happy to share them with you, Alan."

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Alan felt a deep sense of gratitude for the connection he had forged with Emily. In her, he found not only a friend but also someone who understood his struggles and offered support without judgment.

They sat there, in the fading light of the day, sharing stories of resilience and growth. In their vulnerability, they discovered strength. And as the world around them transformed with the setting sun, Alan knew that he was on a transformative journey of his own—a journey guided by the newfound connection and shared experiences with Emily.


Excitement surged through Mark as he rushed into the coffee shop, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Alan, lost in his thoughts about Emily, struggled to match Mark's enthusiasm. He tried to focus on his friend's words, but his mind kept drifting back to the vibrant woman who had captured his attention and warmed his heart.

"Alan, you won't believe what I've discovered!" Mark exclaimed, his voice tinged with excitement. "The data from my experiments contain strange messages. I think I'm onto something big!"

Alan's gaze drifted towards the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of Emily's vibrant blue hair walking in. The prospect of spending time with her consumed his thoughts, making it difficult to concentrate on Mark's scientific breakthrough. He offered a distracted nod, feigning interest.

Mark's excitement waned for a moment as he noticed Alan's lack of enthusiasm. "Hey, are you okay? You seem preoccupied."

Alan forced a smile, attempting to mask his eagerness to be with Emily. "Yeah, sorry. Just a lot on my mind lately. What were you saying about the experiment?"

Mark sighed, momentarily disappointed but determined to share his findings. He pulled out a tablet device, displaying intricate graphs and patterns. "These readings... they go beyond what I expected. It's like the universe is trying to communicate with me. I've been deciphering the messages, trying to understand their meaning."

Alan's attention flickered between Mark's words and the entrance of the coffee shop, anticipation rising within him. He knew he had planned a whole date for the evening, despite their platonic status. He had envisioned a perfect night, hoping to take their relationship to a deeper level.

Finally, as Mark finished explaining his discoveries, Alan's mind refocused on the present conversation. "That's amazing, Mark. You're onto something big. I'm glad your project is progressing so well," Alan said, his voice filled with genuine support.

But deep down, his heart yearned for Emily, and he couldn't wait for the evening to arrive. As his shift at the coffee shop ended, Alan's mind buzzed with anticipation. He rushed home to prepare, meticulously planning every detail of the date he had envisioned.

The sun began to set as Alan arrived at the agreed-upon meeting place, a charming restaurant with soft lighting and an intimate ambiance. He took a deep breath, a mix of nervousness and excitement swirling within him.

When Emily arrived, she seemed a bit uneasy, her usual charismatic energy somewhat muted. Alan's heart skipped a beat, but he brushed it off, attributing it to first-date jitters. They settled into their seats, engaging in light conversation as they perused the menu.

As the night progressed, Alan tried his best to create an enchanting atmosphere, sharing laughter, engaging in meaningful conversations, and making sure every moment was special. However, he couldn't help but notice Emily's growing discomfort, her body language betraying her unease.

Sensing the tension, Alan took a deep breath and decided to be honest with his feelings. As the dessert arrived, he leaned closer to Emily, his voice filled with vulnerability. "Emily, I have to be honest. I really like you, more than just a friend. And tonight, I wanted to tell you and take our relationship to another level."

Emily's expression shifted, alarm and discomfort filling her eyes. She swiftly pulled away, her voice trembling. "Alan, I'm sorry. It's not right. I can't... I can't be what you're looking for."

Confusion and disappointment washed over Alan. He had misread the situation, misunderstood the depth of their connection. He realized the weight of his assumptions and felt a pang of regret for not recognizing Emily's boundaries.

In that moment, he saw the fear and distress in Emily's eyes, and it broke his heart. He reached out, wanting to explain, but she quickly stood up, her voice urgent. "I need to go, Alan. I'm sorry."


Emily's heart pounded in her chest as she ran through the dimly lit streets, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Panic and regret gnawed at her, a storm of emotions raging within. She had never anticipated things would unfold this way, never wanted Alan to fall for her in the first place. 

In her mind, they were just friends, platonic companions who shared their struggles and found solace in each other's company. The only objective she had was to prevent Alan from succumbing to the darkness that haunted him, the darkness that she knew all too well. 

But as she looked back on the events that had transpired, Emily realized the gravity of her actions. Her abrupt rejection, fueled by her fear of leading him on, had only deepened his pain. The realization struck her like a thunderbolt—she might have inadvertently pushed him closer to the edge, the edge she had fought so desperately to keep him away from. 

Frantically, Emily rushed to the restaurant, hoping to find Alan there and undo the damage she had unwittingly caused. But as she arrived, her eyes scanned the room, and her heart sank. He wasn't there. A sense of desperation washed over her, and she knew she had to find him. 

With a renewed sense of purpose, Emily hurried to Alan's place, her thoughts racing. What if it was too late? What if she had failed in her mission to save him? The weight of responsibility bore down on her, threatening to suffocate her with its intensity. 

As she burst through his front door, breathless and trembling, Emily was met with a sight that gave her a glimmer of hope. There, sitting on the couch, Alan appeared calm and composed. His face showed no signs of despair or anguish. In that moment, she knew she had succeeded in preventing the worst outcome. 

Tears streamed down Emily's face as the floodgates of emotions burst open. The weight of her secret, her journey, pressed upon her, threatening to crush her under its immense burden. She collapsed onto the floor, her sobs echoing through the room. 

Through choked sobs, Emily managed to gather herself enough to explain everything. She wiped away her tears, her voice trembling as she revealed her true identity. 

"Alan," she choked out between sobs, "I'm... I'm you. I'm you from the future."

Alan's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind struggling to comprehend the words that had just escaped Emily's lips. His heart raced, and a mix of confusion, astonishment, and relief flooded his senses.

Emily took a deep breath, steadying herself as she continued, her voice filled with a mixture of vulnerability and urgency. "I... I accidentally traveled back in time while helping Mark with a project—a time machine. I didn't know how to return, but when I realized what would happen to you, I couldn't just stand by and let it unfold. I had to prevent you from attempting to kill yourself."

Alan's breath hitched, his mind grappling with the magnitude of Emily's revelation. He looked at her, taking in the scars on her wrists, evidence of the pain she had endured. A surge of understanding washed over him, connecting the dots between Emily's desperate actions to save him and the shared experiences they had confided in each other.

"But why? How?" Alan managed to ask, his voice barely above a whisper.

Emily wiped away her tears, her voice laced with a bittersweet resolve. "I... I underwent a gender transition, Alan. I'm you after the transition. It was a long and difficult journey, but it allowed me to find my true self. I didn't want you to go through life feeling lost and unfulfilled. I wanted to help you realize your actual gender, to guide you towards self-acceptance and happiness."

Alan's mind reeled, his thoughts colliding like a tempest in his head. He had never considered the possibility of a different gender identity, never imagined a future where he could fully be himself. And yet, the sincerity in Emily's voice and the deep connection they had forged left little room for doubt.

Tears welled up in Alan's eyes as he reached out, his hand trembling, and gently cupped Emily's cheek. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and awe. "Thank you for saving me, for guiding me towards who I truly am."

They sat there in the quiet of the room, wrapped in the embrace of their shared truth. The weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future intertwined, forming a bond that transcended time itself.


The ringing of the phone echoed through the room as Alan and Emily sat side by side, their minds still reeling from the revelation of Emily's true identity. Mark's name flashed on the screen, and Alan quickly answered the call, his voice filled with a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

"Mark, what's going on?" Alan asked, his voice tinged with excitement.

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Mark's voice filled the air, brimming with excitement. "Alan, I've just made a groundbreaking discovery. The messages in my data—they were instructions from my future self on how to send Emily back to the future."

Alan's eyes widened in astonishment, a surge of hope and wonder coursing through his veins. He glanced at Emily, her eyes reflecting the same mixture of anticipation and curiosity. "You mean... there's a way to send Emily back to where she belongs?"

Mark's voice held a hint of hesitation as he continued, "Yes, but... there's something else I need to tell you. Emily is actually you, Alan. I just found out, and I thought you should know."

Emily's eyes met Alan's, a shared understanding passing between them. Alan raised a hand, signaling Mark to stop. "Mark, I already know. Emily told me everything about the time travel, the gender transition, all of it. We're ready to help you build the machine."

A moment of silence followed Alan's statement, as Mark processed the weight of the revelation. Finally, he let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you know. It saves me from having to explain everything. Meet me at my lab. We have work to do."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Alan and Emily made their way to Mark's lab. The space buzzed with energy as they entered, greeted by the sight of complex machinery and walls lined with equations and diagrams. Mark, his face a mix of determination and excitement, led them to a workstation at the center of the lab.

As they settled in, Mark began explaining the mechanics of the time machine, carefully detailing each component and its purpose. Alan and Emily listened intently, their minds absorbing the intricacies of the process. Mark's passion for science shone through his explanations, his eyes filled with a sense of awe and curiosity.

"Here's the crucial part," Mark said, pointing to a diagram on the screen. "Emily, when you traveled back in time, you altered the flow of reality. You exist in a separate dimension now—the one that would have unfolded if you hadn't traveled back in the first place."

Emily's brow furrowed in contemplation, absorbing the weight of her newfound existence. "So, in this reality, I'm still here, even though my past has changed."

Mark nodded, a glimmer of pride in his eyes. "Exactly. That's why you don't disappear when your past is altered. You're a tangible presence from another dimension, here to guide Alan and ensure he finds his true self."

Alan's gaze shifted between Mark and Emily, his heart filled with gratitude for their shared journey and the knowledge that they were not alone in navigating the complexities of their identities.

With newfound clarity, the trio began assembling the components of the time machine, each playing their part with precision and purpose. Mark's scientific expertise, Alan's determination, and Emily's guidance merged seamlessly, forming a synergy that propelled them forward.

Hours turned into days as they toiled tirelessly, fine-tuning the machine and ensuring its stability. The atmosphere crackled with excitement and anticipation as they made the final adjustments, knowing that the moment of truth was approaching.

Finally, the time came for Emily to step into the machine, her presence resonating with the weight of her journey and the lessons she had learned. Alan, his heart heavy with a mix of longing and acceptance, reached out and squeezed Emily's hand, offering silent support and gratitude.

"You've changed my life, Emily," Alan whispered, his voice filled with a mix of awe and appreciation. "I'm eternally grateful for your guidance and the strength you've shown me."

Emily's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she replied, her voice filled with love and determination. "Alan, you were the one who found the strength within yourself. I just helped guide you. Remember, your journey is not over. Embrace who you are and live the life you've always deserved. Mark, thanks for everything. And goodbye… Emily."

Emily stepped into the machine, the whirring of mechanisms filling the room. Time seemed to stretch as the machine hummed with power, and in an instant, Emily vanished, leaving behind a sense of bittersweet emptiness.

As the echoes of her departure reverberated through the lab, Alan and Mark exchanged a solemn look, acknowledging the significance of their shared journey. The weight of the past and the promise of the future intermingled in the air, leaving them both with a renewed sense of purpose and self-discovery.


Years had passed since Emily's departure, and Alan had undergone a remarkable transformation. Embracing his true identity, Alan had transitioned to Emily, fully embracing the woman she had always known herself to be. The journey had been filled with ups and downs, but Emily had found strength and support in the lessons she had learned from her future self.

With newfound confidence, Emily pursued her passion for art. Inspired by her time with Emily, the artist from the future, she delved into mixed-media creations that explored themes of identity and self-expression. Her work resonated with audiences, capturing the essence of the human experience through vibrant colors and thought-provoking compositions.

Emily's once dyed blue hair had become a signature feature, symbolizing the journey she had undertaken and the freedom she had found in embracing her true self. It stood as a testament to her courage and a reminder of the transformative power of self-acceptance.

One day, as Emily worked on a new piece in her studio, a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts. It was Mark, her loyal friend and partner in the past. He stood in the doorway, his eyes filled with a mixture of excitement and intrigue.

"Emily, I need your help," Mark said, his voice tinged with urgency. "I've stumbled upon something incredible, and I believe you have the insight and perspective to make sense of it."

A knowing smile spread across Emily's face as she gazed at Mark, realizing the significance of his request. The circle was closing, and she was being called upon to play a crucial role in completing the loop of time.

"I'm ready, Mark," Emily replied, her voice filled with a sense of purpose. "Lead the way."



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